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Agnieszka Pluto-Prądzyńska foto

Dear All,

It is my great pleasure to invite you on May 23-24, 2024 to participate in the 2nd Scientific Conference “Lifestyle Medicine for Longevity. Blue Zones inspiration”, which will be held at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Poland

The conference will introduce two research areas: Lifestyle Medicine and healthy longevity. It will have two parts:

1 at Thursday 23 May 2024 open access to two great lectures in special small price (5 EUR) with the translation into Polish. We can listen:
The key note-speaker prof. Michel Poulain, Belgian astrophysicist and demographer, co-creator of the concept of "Blue Zones", the centenarian’s areas in the world. He will present the topic: „How to become centenarian in 4 weeks? Lessons from the Blue Zones with exceptional longevity”. We can learn from the experiences of centenarians, and by implementing healthy habits, we gain a chance to join their group in the future.
And Jen Baker-Porazinski, MD graduated with Diploma Nr 1 in English Course of Medicine at Poznan University of Medical Sciences. She was in the 1st one group of American students starting 30 years ago. At the Conference she will share her experiences as medical doctor in Lifestyle Medicine at Canyon Ranch Wellness Resorts, Health Spas, & Retreats, Tucson, USA, in the presentation: „Lifestyle Medicine: Choosing Prevention Over Treating Disease”.

2 For professionalists and people interested in improving their health 2-days Conference pass offers: meeting in person great specialists as speakers, listening their presentations, participation in discussions and workshops
Additionally, all Conference poster session will give a space for research interests presentation and inspirations for future.

I cordially invite you to participate in the Conference and I also refer you to the report from last year´s edition of the event in the Conference 2023 tab.

Agnieszka Pluto-Prądzyńska
Founder of the Lifestyle Medicine for Longevity. Blue Zones inspiration Conference

Honorary Patronage

logo Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Poznań
logo UMP
of Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Professor Andrzej Tykarski, MD, PhD


logo European Lifestyle Medicne Organization
logo Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Stylu Życia
logo Wielkopolska Izba Lekarska


logo Poznan logo Biopharm logo PUMS logo Net 4 Doctor logo Medica91
updated: 2024-05-24