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Early registration
until March 31, 2024
Standard price
from April 1, 2024
Participation in the conference and lecture 70 EUR 100 EUR
Members of the ELMO & PTMSŻ Societies 60 EUR 70 EUR
PUMS Students free entry - registration required
Other Students 12 EUR
Participation only on 23 May 2024 5 EUR
  • The conference fee includes the possibility of online participation (MS Teams, presentation and audio)
  • The fee amount is determined by the date of payment.
  • Payment cannot be made at the conference venue.

Payments must be made to the account:

Citibank Handlowy
49 1030 1247 0000 0000 4771 8708
Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Fredry 10 Street, Poznan
with the note: the name and surname of the participant, LM4L-2024

Withdrawal from participation:


  • The organizer issues invoices based on the payment made to the data provided in the form during registration or by e-mail to the following address:
  • It is possible to issue an invoice no later than the 15th day of the month following the month of sale.
  • After this date, it will be impossible to issue an invoice.
  • Legal basis: Deadlines for issuing invoices - general rule. Pursuant to Art. 106i section 1 of the VAT Act, the invoice must be issued no later than the 15th day of the month following the month in which the goods were delivered or the service was performed.
  • Please submit invoices with deferred payment date to:
updated: 2024-05-24